
Immortal objects of a dead artist (*), aborde l’approche temporelle du concept d’art contemporain dans sa relation avec l’identité, Nous raconterons l’histoire d’un artiste victime d’un accident à l’intérieur d’un musée d’art contemporain. L’accident entraine la destruction d’une œuvre d’art et l’entrée de l’artiste dans un coma qui fait de lui un dispositif de rêve philosophique. Dans ses rêves où règne la confusion intellectuelle, l’artiste, se considère parfois comme un martyre artistique servant des causes politiques, parfois comme un chef-d’œuvre qui critique le rôle du musée.

Dans cette pièce, nous parlons de «l’artiste sujet» pour proposer une vision subtile de la dimension sociale, contextuelle et politique du domaine de l’art dans sa relation à la géopolitique et à la notion de crise de la région Moyen-Orient Afrique du Nord.

In this project, we speak of the “subject artist”, to give an overview of the social, contextual and political dimension in which the artist develops.

We tell the story of an artist who was exposed to an accident inside the Museum of Contemporary Art, this incident led to the destruction of a work of art and the entry of the artist in the coma which made him a philosophical dream device, in his dreams there will be an intellectual confusion of the artist, and he will sometimes consider himself as an artistic martyr serving political causes and sometimes a masterpiece work that criticizes the role of the museum.


In this piece, we speak of the “subject artist” to offer a subtle vision of the social, contextual and political dimension of the field of art in its relation to geopolitics and to the notion of crisis of the Middle East region. North Africa.

We will interpret the story of an artist who fell into a coma following an accident with a work of art inside a Museum of Contemporary Art, a coma that turns him into a philosophical and critical dream Machine






Youness Atbane

Associated Artists

Aziz Nadif / Youness Atbane / Zouheir Atbane  / Anna Weissenfels / Fouad Nafili


Aziz Nadif

Sound Creation

Zouheir Atbane

Production manager

Henri Jules Julien

Installation and technic

Rachid Latouri et Collectif Pixylone


Zurkher Theater Spektakl

The Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC) Moussem Nomadic Art center

Al-Mawred Al-Thaqafyr

Sundance Institut


Tak Berlin, Institute Francais de MArrakech